Brazilian company delivers first shipment of 100% tracked leather

100% tracked leather

The article published on Nasdaq and written by Ana Mano for Reuters provides information on a recent achievement by Durli Leathers. The article reveals the company's success in delivering the first shipment of 100% traceable leather in Europe, sourced from cattle raised sustainably and without causing deforestation. Let's explore the details of this innovative initiative and its impact on the leather production landscape in Brazil and beyond. Read the full story below.

Brazilian company delivers first shipment of leather from 100% traced cattle

SAO PAULO, Jan 23 (Reuters) - A Brazilian company has announced the arrival of the first shipment of leather in Europe from cattle raised without causing deforestation.

Durli Leathers, Latin America's second largest leather processor after JBS SA (JBSS3.SA), reported on Tuesday that around 1,000 "wet blue" hides arrived in Italy earlier this week.

The shipment contains all the information about the animal from which the leather was produced, traceable by a QR Code, as part of a protocol to maintain sustainability in production, said Durli Leathers.

The initiative is a response to pressure to promote sustainable practices and combat climate change, which scientists blame for extreme weather events that bring record temperatures, droughts, forest fires and floods.

Durlicouros is part of a group of Brazilian companies that started, last year, a system to certify cattle from the Amazon region, processed for meat and leather, with an origin free from deforestation.

The Amazon rainforest is one of the world's most important carbon reservoirs.

The initiative to monitor all stages of leather production currently tracks more than 113,000 animals individually using blockchain technology, the company said.

So far, the system covers a small fraction of Brazil's 234 million head cattle herd, but its promoters say it is a step towards allowing consumers to make informed choices when buying products.

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Durli Leathers

The company, with over 60 years of history, is recognized for its excellence and tradition in the leather industry. It operates as a global supplier of high quality wet blue, crust and finished leather for the automotive, furniture and footwear sectors.

+ 55 (41) 3306-1300