
Commitment to Sustainable Innovation and Ecological Efficiency

Leather Production with Respect for the Environment

Within the framework of the ESG, the "E" in Environmental is a key priority that guides all decisions at Durli Leathers. We recognize the urgency and importance of playing an active role in mitigating critical environmental problems, such as the scarcity of natural resources and climate change.

Our environmental approach encompasses various initiatives that go beyond the natural essence of the company, focusing on three essential pillars.

1) Efficient and Responsible Use of Water and Energy

Over the years, we have achieved a significant 80% reduction in the volume of water used in industrial processes for each skin produced. This achievement is the result of strategic decisions and continuous investment in innovation, equipment and processes with sustainable practices. We highlight some of the main advances below.

Reduced water consumption

30% reduction

by changing the characteristic of the raw material used for the tanning process, using fresh leather instead of salted leather

20% reduction

with the implementation of new equipment and processes for reusing and recycling water in closed systems, such as water from the gutter and water from the tanning process (chrome bath)

15% reduction

by replacing traditional drums with multi-action technology drums with shovels, and by installing water dispensers and measuring rulers on the drums to correctly dose the volume of water to be used

10% reduction

by reusing water from drying and cooling equipment

5% from

using part of the recycling water from the chrome bath to dilute fungicides

80% Total Reduction

45% with more modern processes and equipment and 35% with water recycling and reuse

Reduced energy consumption

25% Increase in Energy Efficiency

equipment, increasing production and reducing environmental impact. There was a 25% increase in the production of leather with the multi-action drums with shovels.

30% reduction

energy consumption in the wastewater treatment process.

Actions to Reduce Energy Consumption

Replacement of incandescent bulbs with LED bulbs.

Use of transparent roof tiles to maximize the efficient use of electricity.

2) Reduction in Gas Emissions

Constant monitoring and analysis of gas emissions, with an environmental commitment to reducing those that contribute to the greenhouse effect.

Implementation of a conveyor system that reduces forklift flow, minimizing diesel consumption and CO2 emissions during the transport of chips from the generation sector to the process drums.

3) Waste Reduction and Effluent Treatment

We are committed to treating and disposing of 100% of waste and effluents in accordance with the strictest national and international standards. We carry out continuous process management, auditing and monitoring, with audited and certified results.
Ícone Ambiental - Waste Treatment

100% of waste

treated and disposed of properly

Ícone Ambiental - Wastewater Treatment

100% of effluents

treated and properly disposed of in water bodies

Differentiated and Appropriate Treatment of Effluents from the Tanning Process - Environmental Care


of the effluents containing chromium are reused in processes and operations.


of the effluent is only sent to the ARIP - Hazardous Industrial Waste Landfill, which is licensed and inspected by the environmental agencies.


Development of fertigation projects by agronomists for a more sustainable disposal of beneficial waste to the soil.

Find out more about Durli's ESG actions